I just came back from Europe~
It took about 20 hours flight trip
since I left my friend's apt in London....
London to Edinburgh, Edinburgh to Paris, and Paris to NYC.....
Michael Mao Dance Company performed 24 shows in Edinburgh Festival 2010.
I made 23 of them!! Yeah!!! I enjoyed wonderful view of city
Edinburgh, meeting new dance companies and stuff, working with my
people from Michael Mao. It was such a great experience. 24 hours,
just think about our performances and taking care of my body for
performances for 2 weeks and half...
Now back to my real life...(^0^;)
Edinburgh tour video created by Stacy Yoshioka
Review: web.mac.com/mmdnyc/www.Michaelmaodance.org/Edinburgh_2010.html
Chinese News:ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2010/08/22/a420565.html